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짧은소개글 otential use of tumorsphere and stromal cells from glioblastoma: Clinical credentialing

*제목 : 교모세포종에서 획득된 종양구와 기질세포의 잠재적 사용: 임상적 적용점

             otential use of tumorsphere and stromal cells from glioblastoma: Clinical credentialing

*주제 : Particularly, there have been a lot of biological researches on glioblastoma (GBM) CSCs. However, as there is a comprehensive change in the concept of CSCs, it is required to review how the different CSCs for patients can be clinically used, or clinical credentialing, and summarize the possibilities of clinical credentialing. Stromal cells in GBM are known to be associated with tumor progression. We had previously found that tumor mesenchymal stem-like cells (tMSLCs) were present in GBM stroma. However, the biological effects of tMSLCs remain obscure. Thus, in the present work, we aim to understand the functional role of tMSLCs in the GBM microenvironment for tumor invasion. Our results indicated that tMSLCs may influence the biological properties of GBM CSCs, shifting them towards a more invasive status. tMSLCs could be a new target for the treatment of GBM in the future. In this regard, aims to introduce the tumorsphere and tMSLCs obtained from GBM specimen and summarize the clinical dilemma and clinically applicable areas

* 일시 : 2015.06.03 (Wed) PM 4:30

* 장소 : 정문술빌딩 219호 #219, CMS Bldg.

* 연사 : 강석구 교수 Prof. Kang, Seok-Gu

* 소속 : 연세대학교 의과대학 College of Medicine, Yonsei University

첨부 '1'

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