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바이오및뇌공학과에서는 미국 워싱턴대학교 바이오공학과 Azadeh Yazdan 교수님을 모시고, 영장류 관련 뇌공학 연구 (신경자극 및 측정 기술)에 대한 초청세미나를 개최합니다. 

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제목: Engineering cortical plasticity in primate cortex 

연사: Prof. Azadeh Yazdan (Dept of Bioengineering, Univ of Washington)

일시/장소: 6월 24일(월), 14:00, 정문술 빌딩 219호



The brain shows marked plasticity across a variety of learning and memory tasks as well as during recovery after injury. Many have proposed to leverage this innate plasticity using brain stimulation to treat neural disorders. Implementing such treatments requires advanced engineering tools and a thorough understanding of how stimulation-induced plasticity drives changes in network dynamics and connectivity at a large scale and across multiple brain areas. In this talk, I will present my lab's efforts to investigate targeted stimulation of primate cortex to drive cortical plasticity towards functional recovery. We have developed large-scale interfaces consisting of state-of-the-art electrophysiology and optogenetics to simultaneously record and manipulate activity from about 5 cm2 of cortex in awake behaving macaques. Using this interface, for the first time, we have shown the feasibility of inducing targeted changes in sensorimotor networks using optogenetics. Furthermore, we have incorporated the capability of producing ischemic lesions in the same interface enabling us to stimulate the cortex around the site of injury and monitor functional recovery via changes in blood flow, neurophysiology, and behavior. Currently we are using these technologies towards developing therapeutic interventions for neurological disorders such as stroke.



Azadeh Yazdan is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Bioengineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Washington. She specializes in developing innovative tools and techniques for implementing optogenetics in non-human primates (NHPs) and rats. Her research focuses on utilizing these tools to induce and study targeted plasticity in cortical connections in NHPs. With a long-term goal of advancing neural technologies, Dr. Yazdan aims to develop stimulation-based therapies to restore function and mobility in individuals with neurological disorders, such as stroke. Dr. Yazdan earned her bachelor's and master's degrees in biomedical engineering from Tehran Polytechnic University and the University of Tehran in Iran, respectively. She completed her Ph.D. in biomedical engineering at the University of Michigan in 2011. Notable accolades include the 2014 IEEE Brain Grand Challenges Young Investigator Award, the 2018 Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation Engineering Research Career Development Award, and the 2022 American Heart Association Career Development Award. Her groundbreaking research on targeted sensorimotor plasticity was recognized as a Hot Topic of 2016 by the Society for Neuroscience. Recently, Dr. Yazdan received the Excellence in Mentorship Award from the University of Washington Bioengineering Department, the Junior Faculty Award from the University of Washington College of Engineering, and the University of Washington Science in Medicine New Investigator Lectureship.


inquiry: 남윤기 교수 (바이오및뇌공학과):  ynam@kaist.ac.kr

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