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O Speaker: Prof. Chul-Hyun Cho

O Affiliation: Dept. of Psychiatry Korea University College of Medicine

O Date: Nov. 13, 2024

O Start Time: 4:00 PM

O Title: The Quantified Self Meets the Qualitative Mind: Exploring Digital Biomarkers in Mental Health


O Abstract:


Mental health disorders represent a significant challenge in contemporary society, with complex barriers impeding effective solutions. While psychiatry and psychology have made considerable progress through various research and clinical approaches, the inherent nature of mental health—characterized by qualitative assessment methods, symptom ambiguity, diagnostic variability, and subjectivity—has historically complicated scientific inquiry in this field. Recent advancements in digital technology and infrastructure have enabled novel approaches to addressing psychological issues. Digital biomarkers, in particular, show promise in introducing an innovative paradigm for mental health research and treatment. These tools have the potential to extend beyond traditional assessment and diagnostic realms, encompassing prevention, intervention, and management strategies, thus positioning themselves as integral components in mental healthcare. This lecture will present an overview of current digital biomarker research within the mental health domain. It will examine the clinical utility of these technologies and discuss how they may bridge the gap between quantitative data collection and qualitative mental experiences. By providing more objective and continuous measures of mental states and behaviors, digital biomarkers may enhance the scientific rigor of mental health research and clinical practice. The presentation will outline various applications of digital biomarkers in mental health, evaluate their current limitations, and explore future directions for research and implementation.


* The seminar will be held offline and online[https://kaist.zoom.us/j/88058197857] simultaneously.

* Closed Caption interpretation service (English) available online (service provided by Zoom)


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