O Speaker: Prof. Jaesung Park (* This seminar will be hosted by Prof. Young-Gyun Park.)
O Affiliation: Dept. Mechanical Engineering, POSTECH
O Date: May 11, 2022
O Start Time: 4:30 PM
O Language: Korean
* The lecture will be given online ZOOM.
* https://url.kr/bncpuf (or, https://kaist.zoom.us/j/83114209663?pwd=MHQ0VVoyMlNDcnlzU3FrcWJkN2pkdz09)
* Meeting ID: 831 1420 9663
* Passcode: 747509
* Passcode: 747509
![세미나 포스터_0511 박재성.jpg](https://bce.kaist.ac.kr/./files/attach/images/157/198/052/62035a732cb496a31dc76cd4e16378d6.jpg)