바이오및뇌공학과 뇌인지 공학 프로그램


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O Date: April 03, 2024

O Start Time: 4:00 PM

O Venue: YBS Bldg. #207

O Speaker: Kipom Kim

O Position & Affiliation:  Principal Researcher 

                                          Brain Tech Center, Korea Brain Research Institute

O Title: Construction and Utilization of Advanced Brain Research Platforms at the Brain Tech Center

O Abstract: 

Korea Brain Research Institute (KBRI) celebrated a remarkable achievement in 2023 with the inauguration of the Brain Tech Center. This cutting-edge facility is at the forefront of developing brain science and has two essential platforms. The first platform is an advanced brain function analysis system that uses in vivo multimodal brain imaging to explore the complexities of neural processes. The second platform is a brain research data center designed for integrating, analyzing, and managing a wide range of brain research data. These two platforms at the Brain Tech Center signify a significant stride forward in understanding the complexities of the brain. Integrating advanced imaging technologies and comprehensive data analysis has positioned the center as a hub for groundbreaking discoveries, fostering a deeper understanding of neural processes. In this talk, the director of the Brain Tech Center will delve into the meticulous construction processes of these visionary platforms. He will detail the integration of cutting-edge technologies and collaborative efforts. Moreover, he will elucidate how researchers will strategically utilize these platforms, showcasing their potential to drive groundbreaking discoveries and advance the frontiers of brain science research.


* The seminar will be held offline and online[https://kaist.zoom.us/j/81677616489] simultaneously.

* Closed Caption interpretation service (English) available online (service provided by Zoom)


세미나 포스터_0403_김기범.JPG