바이오및뇌공학과 뇌인지 공학 프로그램


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짧은소개글 뇌인지공학프로그램 정기세미나 안내

12월 8일(목) 오후 4시 30분 219호 강의실에서 뇌인지공학프로그램 정기세미나가 개최됩니다.


이번 초청연사는 Nanyang Technological University의 Georgios Christopoulos 교수님이시며,

"Towards a real-life social neuroscience: from dopamine to culture and Mega-Cities"를 주제로 강연해주실 예정이십니다.


관심있는 분들의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.



Dear members of department of Bio and Brain Engineering,


Program of Brain and Cognitive Engineering will have the regular seminar this thursday.

Please see below for reference.


                              = below =


1. Title: "Towards a real-life social neuroscience: from dopamine to culture and Mega-Cities"

2. Speaker: Georgios Christopoulos , Assistant professor / Nanyang Technological University

3. Date & Time: 2016. 12. 8, Thursday, PM 04:30~

4. Venue: 2F At room 219, Chungmoonsoul Bldg.(E16)


I am sending seminar poster for everyone, please refer to the attachment file.

And anyone interested are welcome to attend seminar.



In the first part of my presentation, I will present a series of studies that fuse computational neuroscience, microeconomics, and game theory to systematicall

y explore the neurobiology of decision making in both non-social and socially loaded environments. Firstly, I will set the basis by unfolding behavioral and 

neuronal parameters predicting individual decision-making in risky environments. Subsequently, the presentation will expand to the social domain and explore 

how computational approaches can explain learning mechanisms of competitive and cooperative actions, social influence and trust

On the second part, I will present more recent work and a future program examining the impact of urbanization and Mega-Cities on human behavior, 

cross-cultural interactions and psychology. I will finish with a call for the establishment of a multi-disciplinary network of Asian-based researchers aiming in the 

improvement of mental health via a better understanding of the interaction between the built environment, culture and human neurobiology. 

첨부 '1'

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